A Special Thank You

Published by Waterstone Law Group

As you get to know us, you learn that we don’t just pay lip service to giving back to our communities – it’s a part of who we are as a firm. Often our contributions go unrecognized, at least publicly, and we’re absolutely okay with that. Recently, however, we were surprised to open a local newspaper and see an advertisement publicly thanking us for our help. The client also offered this touching testimonial, which we felt was worthy of sharing here:

Haiti’s earthquake of January 12, 2010 changed millions of lives everywhere around the world but nowhere more profoundly than those living in Port-Au-Prince. Dug out of the rubble was one nine-year-old little blind boy who could only imagine the devastation from the words told to him by his mother, the sounds of moaning neighbors and strangers in the streets, and the increasing stench of death as each day went by.

A local charitable organization in Chilliwack agreed to bring young Seby to Canada to provide him with the education he desperately needed but could no longer access at home. He came into my care because of my involvement with the organization and because of the special bond that he and I had built during previous visits for medical assessments.

Among the many challenges, the most important obstacle to overcome was getting Seby registered in school. Someone needed to have custody and guardianship in order for the school district to allow him to be enrolled. I knew that I needed a lawyer, but I didn’t know where to turn.

A co-worker had spoke very highly of Dave Sliman and recommended I go see him, telling me that he would be honest and if he could assist he would. I made my appointment and proceeded to explain what was required. Dave explained that he would like another lawyer at the firm to work with us, as that lawyer would be able to attend to it immediately.  I met with Daniel Sorensen and was impressed right away. He was professional and I felt comforted he would get the job done.

This story does have a happy ending. My kind, loving, little blind child from Haiti is now in a safe, loving, learning environment because of the team at Waterstone. Not only did the professionals at Waterstone come to my rescue, they made what seemed like a very impossible situation seems effortless, and they generously provided their services to me free of charge.

The words “Thank You” don’t even begin to express my gratitude.