New Student Profile: Prince Dhillon

Published by Waterstone Law Group

Hi, my name is Prince. I just finished my second year of law school at Thompson Rivers University, and I am excited to be back at Waterstone for my second stint as a summer articling student. I moved to Chilliwack when I was 6 years old and have called the Fraser Valley home ever since. I attended the University of the Fraser Valley to obtain my undergraduate degree and only moved away a couple of years ago when I started law school in Kamloops. I love this community. I feel fortunate to be back here, and I’m excited to keep working with the people in this community! When I’m not at the office, you can find me on a walk with my fiancé and our puppy, cheering on my Raptors and Seahawks, or searching for the Pro V1 I sliced straight into the trees.

Some fun facts about me:

If I won the lottery tomorrow, I’d start a coffee roastery (so I can learn more about coffee and become more obnoxious than ever before). And, you know, keep working here.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is from my mom. She has always told me to “help those around you because it might be you one day”. That advice was a large part of what motivated me to go to law school in the first place, and I hold it with me everywhere I go.

If a candidate wanted some advice before joining our team of superstars, I’d tell them that they need to leave their ego at the door! One of the best things I’ve realized at Waterstone is that everyone respects and values one another. If you want to succeed here, make sure you are humble and ready to learn from everyone around you.

If I were a superhero, my superpower would be teleportation. Anyone who has driven between Vancouver and Chilliwack during rush hour would vehemently agree with me.